Plan your Course
PLANNING is just choosing the CYC course (class) in your MyCabrillo account.
You will find your course and add
it to the semester term you will be attending.
Cabrillo College
Course Registration
NOTE: In order to plan and register your course you must already have uploaded your Dual Enrollment form on your My Cabrillo account.
FALL & SPRING: Course Specific Abbreviation: MUS-36
Full Course Name: MUS-36 Chorale
Below is a direct link to the Student Planning page in MyCabrillo.
STUDENT PLANNING link HERE then login.
SCHEDULING is choosing the day and time the class is offered in MyCabrillo and the video it is referred to as SECTIONS.
NOTE: Dolce & Vivace is on Tuesdays at 4 -5:30pm
regardless of what the section says on MyCabrillo student planning.
NOTE: Allegria & Con Brio is on Wednesdays at 4-5:30pm
regardless of what the section says on MyCabrillo student planning.
(1) Click on this link: Cabrillo Registration page
(2) Login.
Use the student's birthdate in six-digit format (mmddyy) as the Password or use a password you created it in the past.
(3) Mid-page you will see a Register Now prompt and button.
Click on the Register button to the right and the following window will open,
Select MUS-36 Chorale and click the Register button.
FOR FALL & SPRING Semesters:
Select MUS-36 Chorale and click the Register button.
You will receive an approval registration message.
You will also receive an email from Cabrillo with an acknowledgement of your recent registration activity.
CYC registration is complete.